A ritual of remembering our belonging to ourselves and to our planet.

Write your awesome label here.

5 Days / 4 Nights of

#Spirit Revival | #Profound Transformation | #Wild Nature | #Elemental Connection

Primal Presence

Primitive Skills

The main precept of our mission is to bring as many people back to the fire as possible to awaken a remembrance of the old ways. Creating a deeper bond with this element is a center point in these experiences. We will make fire with our hands, discuss primitive shelter building, and spend our days completely exposed to the natural world.


Your guides through this journey are representatives of La Forza Sagrada, The Sacred Force, and thus conduct themselves always in a way that aligns with the core values of Love, Freedom, Safety, and Truth. These sacred spaces are curated with utmost intention and precision possible so that the ultimate sense of group flow and personal deepening can be achieved so that everyone can feel safe and free enough to express their truth and love, however, they see fit.

Elemental And Animal Allies

Revive your spirit as we learn from Sacred Elemental and Animal Teachers. Embracing the teachings of the eagle, flow with the medicine of the river, tend to our fire and ground with the spirit of the bear.

Kambo Cleansing

Kambo is a powerful physical detoxification and energetic cleansing that provides participants the opportunity to release old baggage, set new intentions for their being, and experience full unadulterated presence. The ceremonial experience of Kambo will act as our primary energetic cleansing for deeper work with medicine.

La Forza Sagrada

#Freedom | #Safety | #Truth


May 15th-19th, 2024
Tahoe National Forest


The Team

Bear Heart

Sacred Sons Co-Leader

Jordan Trujillo

Sacred Sons Co-Leader

Spirit Revival

Profound Transformation

The Opportunity to Experience Your Full Essence

Deep Shamanic Meditation

Primal Presence

Primitive and Wilderness Skills


Strengthen Your Soul

Brothers, we are calling you home…

To a sacred living, breathing, feeling Experience that brings us to our edge to reveal what is holding us back from our truest essence.
To remember how to listen to the energies around us by stripping away all distractions.
If you feel ready to stop playing it safe and to step fully into self-leadership in the spirit of Unity, the time is now.
This experience is cultivated for Brothers who are ready to commit to leaving behind all masks, coming in full truth, and ready to go all in.
For 5 days, we will gather around the fire, learn from the elements and animal allies, embrace primitive skills and connect with the primal energy that brings us into perfect harmony with the environment around us,
Reminding us what it is to be Human.
Who are you when stripped of the titles, accolades, honors, and achievements of your human storyline?
What is it that you are truly made of?
Have you ever felt like you have more in the tank, but felt like something was holding you back from living in your fullest potential?
This is an invitation to join the circle and discover your own answers to these questions.
We come as humble students of the great mother, with deep reverence and respect, both in ceremony and in our daily life practice.
We come in the spirit of Freedom, Safety, and Truth.
Freedom for all expressions and sensations to be seen, felt, and heard fully.
Safety for All to be witnessed and supported fully in their process.
Our intention is to co-create a potent and palpable container for the most profound transformation and evolution possible, and we do this together, as a family.
It’s time to fully engage in life.
Let's get free.

- Bear Heart
La Forza Sagrada
What Men are saying about Primal Presence


Write your awesome label here.

Geoff Eido

Grass Valley, California
Write your awesome label here.

Daniel Cardona

Sacramento, California
Contact us

Learn More About Primal Presence

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this experience for?

This is for men who are fully ready to engage in all of themselves and all of life. Your readiness will be tested. 

Do I need backpacking or camping experience to participate?

Upon registration, a detailed orientation packet will be sent to you. This packet includes a gear list, as well as other information to help you prepare physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Can I participate if I have health issues? 

Preexisting health issues are taken on a case-by-case basis. In general, to participate in a quest one should be in good health condition, able to walk a few miles on a trail, and able to fast from food. 

What equipment will I need?

Upon registration you will receive a gear list.  

Is transportation provided?

We will provide pick up the morning of the first day at the Reno International Airport and downtown Reno.

Do I need to fast to participate?

In short, yes. Whether you have never fasted before or have fasted many times, we suggest preparing your body and mind for this experience. Spending a day and a night fasting from food you can begin to become familiar with the feeling of fasting. This is also a good practice for those who have experienced fasting before- each experience fasting can be different. 

Do I have to participate in the Kambo Cleansing?

This is a powerful tool used to clear, recalibrate, strengthen, and bring clarity AND your sovereignty and choice to participate is honored.

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