#Evolve | #Learn | #Practice | #Lead

Learn and embody key Pillars of Masculine Leadership.
Accelerated Leadership Training

4 Day Intensive + 10 Weeks Online

Prime Leadership

Real men getting real results

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Write your awesome label here.

November 14th-17th, 2024

Prime Leadership San Diego, CA


Choose Your Weekend

Testimonials from Previous Participants

“If leadership training is something you are looking into and curious about I would not recommend anything else more than I would Sacred Sons. I highly recommend you give it a shot.”

- George Dawson

"Prime Leadership provided a level of support above and beyond what I ever could’ve expected. I came into Prime Leadership with the mentality of my roles in life as being simple: father, husband, coach, mentor, manager, etc. I was looking for the right tools to carry with me to become a better version of the ‘me’ I knew. What I got was a deeper understanding of myself - my thoughts, my feelings, my actions - and I was given support, encouragement, and ultimately motivation to step into becoming the man I want to be; to create the life I want to live. I was able to uncover, discover, and discard things that were no longer useful to me and to be fully supported as I pried those things away."

- Paul Galligan

"The healing I have done at prime is something which was not planned for. The things that need to come up during a healing journey will happen whether we are ready or not. Epic experiences and locations, Prime leadership gave me the ability to trust myself and in turn trust others. Sacred Sons has been one of the missing pieces in my healing journey. Only one rule I live by when I am at a Sacred Sons event is to play full out. And that’s what I recommend to anyone coming. Prime leadership has given me the opportunity to heal certain aspects of my life I wasn’t ready to deal with but as they say when the time has come to do the work the work must get done."

- Said Zaarour

Prime Leadership Components:

Accelerated LT1 Path (3-6 MONTHS).
Leadership Training Level 1 is not just a course--it's the initial step for training to integrate life.
  • 10 Week Online Cohort run by a Sacred Sons Leader
  • 2x EMXs as Wolf Pack support
  • LT1 Mentorship Calls
  • Lifetime Access to LT1 Content
  • Prerequisite for LT2 (Support Facilitator Training)

LT1 Accelerated

Phase 1 - Inner Work

anchor in your embodied self
Phase 1 is a designed to put an anchor dow for self-embodiment and knowingness--a place to refer to as men evolve into deeper aspects of themselves. This phase is guided by our 7 Pillars of Embodiment and supported through continued connection within the cohort.

Phase 2 - Instruction

the time-tested frameworks
Phase 2 is where ALL questions about the men's work are welcomed. This is a time where we share what we've learned over the years and dive into the curiosities that come up for our trainees.

Phase 3 - Practice

Begin to implement
In Phase 3 men have the opportunity to run men's councils alongside of their brothers within the cohort and receive feedback from the cohort leader.

Which Training Is Right For You?

Who/What is Prime Leadership For?

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Life Integration

There is NO BETTER DESIGNED form of Integration than continued connection, honesty, and commitment that our LT1 program is framed on. Whether you are integrating a Sacred Sons event, medicine work, lifestyle change, partnership divorce/transition, or life purpose...WE GOT YOU.
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Community Leadership

LT1 is the starting point for many things, including becoming a community leader of men. The one who gathers the men for what's about to happen next. For what's coming down the road. The one who can lead others.
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For our future. We are beckoned to have embodied, trained, and skillful fathers loving fathers. So much of this training is focused on being a father--whether you have children or not. The return of the father archetype asks for all men to embody this quality,
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We have trained over 500+ men in becoming a "Men's Work" facilitator. We have the tools. We have the keys to train proficient facilitators. We have the bedrock of community for unlimited opportunity to learn alongside of men. Leader's of men, lead alongside of Leader's of men. No one leads or learns alone in this work.
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Video Content

Inspiring and innovative video content covering The 7 Pillars featuring the best footage from our gatherings.

Inner-Work Prompts

Prompts focused at bringing the unseen and the unspoken into awareness so that it can be molded and alchemized into purpose. 

Growth Challenges

Challenges that address the choice points so that concepts and desires can become reality and embodied.

Ritual & Practices

Designed to honor and slow down the process of growing, healing, and learning so that strength, consistency, and love flourish.
The BEST in the field

Our Core Leaders

Our Prime Leadership Leader Team is the Core Leadership of Sacred Sons.

Adam Jackson


Jason MacKenzie


Kale Ka'alekahi


Neil Christiansen


Andrew Huvaere

SS Leader

Hunter Hawthorne Toran

SS Leader

Vince Matoska

SS Leader

OUr approach

Leadership Training Pillars

Pillar of embodiment





Inner Essence



Sacred Sons Co-Founders

#invite you to lead your life | #live and breath this work  | #are committed | #we are

Chief Navigation Officer
Jason Mackenzie
Chief Visionary Officer
Adam Jackson
Chief Relations Officer
Neil Christiansen
Chief Cultural Officer
Kale Ka'alekahi